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Universitas Paramadina

Pada tahun 1994, dua yayasan, Yayasan Wakaf Paramadina dengan ketua Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid dan Yayasan Pondok Mulya, yang masing-masing bergerak di bidang pendidikan, sepakat untuk bekerjasama untuk mendirikan sebuah perguruan tinggi.

Kesepakatan tersebut diwujudkan dengan didirikannya Yayasan ParamadinaMulya pada tahun 1995. Sebagai realisasi dari gagasan tersebut, maka pada tanggal 10 Januari 1998 diresmikan berdirinya Universitas ParamadinaMulya, yang diharapkan mampu: menyempurnakan konsep perguruan tinggi yang sudah ada, menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki keahlian yang diperlukan oleh bangsa Indonesia, yang mempunyai kompetensi riset, semangat kewirausahaan yang menjiwai etika keislaman. menjadi wahana pusat kebudayaan dan peradaban mampu mengembangkan kepribadian mahasiswa memiliki fitrahnya sebagai universitas yang universal, sehingga mampu menyebut dirinya bertaraf internasional.


Pada awal berdirinya, Universitas ParamadinaMulya mempunyai empat program studi, yaitu Teknik Informatika, Disain Produk, Manajemen, dan Falsafah dan Agama. Pada tahun akademik 1999 / 2000 dibuka program pasca sarjana, diantaranya Magister Ilmu Agama Islam, dan program studi sarjana Desain Grafis / Komunikasi Visual, Ilmu Komunikasi dan Hubungan Internasional. Sedangkan pada tahun akademik 2000 / 2001, dibuka program studi Psikologi. Pada tanggal 20 Maret 2002 pengelola Universitas diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada Yayasan Wakaf Paramadina, sedangkan nama universitas disesuaikan dari Universitas ParamadinaMulya menjadi Universitas Paramadina.

Universitas Paramadina mengemban misi untuk membina ilmu pengetahuan rekayasa dengan kesadaran akhlak mulia demi kebahagiaan bersama seluruh umat manusia, melalui penciptaan lingkungan kampus sebagai pusat ilmu dan budaya, yang memiliki tradisi masyarakat ilmiah yang kreatif dan civitas akademika yang berkepribadian teguh dan sikap yang menjunjung tinggi kebebasan mimbar akademik.

Bank Negara Indonesia BNI 46


Initially referred to by its unabbreviated name of Bank Negara Indonesia when it was established in 1946, BNI is the first bank formed and owned by the Indonesian Government.

Historical records indicate that on of the eve of the 30th of October 1946, or merely a few months after its formal establishment, the Bank distributed the first currency bills ever issued by Indonesia’s Government popularly known at the time as ORI, or ‘Oeang Republik Indonesia’ (Currency of the Republic of Indonesia). In fact, this day is commemorated annually as the National Finance Day while the date of the Bank's establishment - the 5th of July - was designated as National Bank Day.

Bank Negara Indonesia's role as the circulation and central bank was duly terminated in 1949 following the government’s appointment of the former Dutch-controlled bank, De Javasche Bank, as Indonesia's Central  Bank . The Bank, subsequently designated as a development bank,  was later granted the rights to provide foreign reserve services that allowed it access to  direct foreign transactions.

Enhanced by increased capitalization, the Bank's legal status was formally changed to that of a state-owned commercial Bank in 1995. This provided the Bank with the foundation to provide  better and wider range of both access and services for the country's business sectors.

In its quest to competitively differentiate itself from its competitors, the Bank decided, towards the end of 1968, to attach its year of establishment to its corporate name to become  Bank Negara Indonesia 1946. The Bank was therefore popularly referred to, for decades, as 'BNI 46'. The simpler name of 'Bank BNI' was adopted in 1988 along with the change of the corporate identity.

BNI’s legal status was upgraded in 1992 to that of a state-owned limited corporation under the name of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) and  the bank decided to become a public company through its initial public offering of its shares in 1996.

BNI's ability to adapt to environmental, socio-cultural and technological advances is reflected through the continuous refinement of its corporate identity  which is carried out to suit the changing demands and trends of the times.  This adaptability signifies the Bank's dedication and commitment towards continuous improvement of its performance.

A refined corporate identity was introduced in 2004 that reflects the positive prospects for the future after a year of struggle characterized by a period of hardship. A shorter name of 'BNI' subsequently replaced the former 'Bank BNI', while the year of its establishment - '46' - was exposed through the logomark to  reinforce the pride and distinction that the Bank had in being the country's first national bank.

In the end of 2011, the Government of Republic of Indonesia held 60% of the shares of BNI with the remaining 40% held by individual and institution shareholders, domestic as well as overseas.

Currently, BNI stands as the 4th largest bank Indonesia by the size of assets, lending and third-party funds. BNI’s capability to provide comprehensive financial services is supported by its subsidiaries in Sharia banking (Bank BNI Syariah), financing (BNI Multi Finance), capital market (BNI Securities), and insurance (BNI Life Insurance).

With total assets of Rp 299.1 trillion and over 23,639 employees in the end of 2011, BNI operates a wide ranging service network, comprising 1,364 domestic outlets and 5 overseas branches in New York, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore, 6,227 proprietary ATMs, as well as Internet banking and SMS banking facilities, giving convenient access to customers.

In keeping with the spirit of the heroic national struggle that is rooted in its history, BNI strives to provide the best services for the country and  to ultimately become the Pride of the Nation, today and always.

I Was Born To Be Somebody

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